9ª Rampigada Santa 2020
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"Virtual Edition"

august 15th ÷ september 30th, 2020

Rampigada Santa's acebook Page


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2020 rampigada santa 09 locandina orizzontale mini

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What is the Rampigada Santa? It is the time trial climb on foot, by bicycle or in both disciplines, of the steep town of Scala Santa, 2,050 meters in length entirely paved with cobblestones (bolognini) with an average gradient of 16.2% (min 10.8% - MAX 21%).

Why Scala Santa? To promote a more sustainable urban mobility by demonstrating in an extreme way that if you can go on foot or by bike up the Scala Santa you can go on foot or by bike everywhere.

We crossed our fingers, knocked on wood, but in the end it was not enough, and so the 9th edition of the Rampigada Santa, or the uphill time trial on foot, by bicycle or in both disciplines, of the city steep slope of Scala Santa, 2,050 meters in length entirely paved in pavé (bolognini) with an average gradient of 16.2% (min 10.8% - MAX 21%), will not happen as usual live Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th September 2020.

Obviously this does not depend on us but on the legal restrictions due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and related pathology (COVID-19) that have imposed a list of obligations, protocols and obligations duties, so vast as to transform an organization feasible for an association as small as ours in a risky adventure, too expensive both in economic terms and in terms of workforce - however entirely on voluntary basis. Other than Scala Santa to climb, this is a real Everest!

On the other hand, in this 2020 many events have preferred to take a break and resume the activity directly in 2021. But this is not the case of SPIZ Association of Social Promotion, which for imagination, will, “morbin” and adaptability is second to nobody.

So, here we have is the Rampigada Santa "Virtual Ediscion" which, as already happened successfully for the Clanfe Olympiad, invites everyone to challenge each other with video shots, minispots in favor of sustainable mobility, or pearls of praise for the fatigue on their legs.

Is sustainable mobility tiring?
Is mobile fatigue sustainable?
Is strenuous sustainability mobile?
Bon! No matter!

The Rampigada Santa is an extreme demonstration of sustainable mobility because its motto says that "Se se pol andar su de  a pie e in bici ... se pol andar pie and in bici per tuto!" (“If you can go up there by walking and cycling... you can go walking and cycling everywhere!”)

We want to know, but above all we want to see, 30 seconds of your "there".

Respecting the golden rule that reads "No farse mal & No far dani!" (Do not get hurt and do no damage!) shoot a video of your Scala Santa, or your extreme demonstration of sustainable mobility, or your sustainable effort, or the demanding climb that you have close to you, and send it to the Facebook page of the Rampigada Santa.

Maximum length 30 seconds (approximately).

Respect yourself, the Law and the Traffic Laws, otherwise the video will not be published.

However, we will experience the novelty foreseen for the categories of the competitors in the race. Given the difficulty of the route, and the requests that have come to us, a new category will be introduced for competitors over 60 called ETERNI-ETERNE.


Contatti - Contacts

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SPIZ Associazione di Promozione Sociale

via Giacomo Matteotti 20/a

34138 – Trieste (Italia)

Codice Fiscale 90123670326

Iscrizione al Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore (RUNTS) con Decreto n°2691/GRFVG del 20 maggio 2022


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 PEC Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

 +39 339 378 17 03


Sostieni SPIZ

SPIZ è una Associazione di Promozione Sociale (A.P.S.) riconosciuta a livello istituzionale (Iscrizione al Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore (RUNTS) con Decreto n°2691/GRFVG del 20 maggio 2022 - ex iscrizione n.572 al Registro Regionale del Friuli Venezia Giulia delle Associazioni di Promozione Sociale con Decreto n.8/CULT dell'8 gennaio 2016).

SPIZ A.P.S. è costituita al fine di svolgere attività di utilità sociale a favore di associati o terzi, promuovendo e/o sostenendo progetti e attività qualificate, con finalità formative, educative, culturali e di ricerca.

SPIZ A.P.S. opera su base volontaria e senza finalità di lucro.

Ne consegue che per sviluppare le proprie attività ha bisogno dell'aiuto di tutti. Anche del Vostro.

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