11ª Rampigada Santa 2022
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At the Rampigada Santa we return to sweat live.

After two compulsory online editions, the amazing time trial in support of sustainable mobility is finally back in presence.

After two years of waiting, on Sunday 18 September 2022 the time trial of the most feared climb in Trieste, Scala Santa, will be back live.
Registrations are now open for the eleventh edition of the Rampigada Santa, the time trial race on foot or by bicycle from Roiano to the Obelisk, two kilometers for a good 326 meters of elevation gain with peaks of almost 20% gradient, which never drops below 10%.
Registration can be done online at www.spiz.it, until Thursday 15 September.
The aim is to demonstrate that "if you can go on foot or by bike up the street, then you can go on foot or by bike everywhere".
The Rampigada Santa opens the SEM, the European Week of Sustainable Mobility, dedicated to raising the city's awareness of less polluting and impactful choices for its citizens’ travels.
The event begins on Saturday 17 September, at the Obelisk, where the Rampigada Santa Village will be set up, with food and wine stand managed by Mladina Sports Association and events on a special theme: the Opicina tram, which turns 120 years old just a few days earlier.
In fact, the new board game “Tachite al tram”, by Diego Manna and Erika Ronchin, will be officially presented on that day.
Immediately afterwards, space will be given to Trieste music dedicated to the train with a concert by Andrea Bussani. But the surprises may not end there. The actual race will start on Sunday 18 September at 10.00 from the Scala Santa base, in Roiano, when the first competitor will start, followed every 30 seconds by the others in order of registration.
The road will be closed to traffic from 9.30, and from that time everyone will be invited to walk or cycle along it to support the participants with their cheers, or even just to experience first-hand that actually climbing the most impervious climb in Trieste ... se pol (it's possible).
"Promoting more sustainable mobility through the extreme demonstration along Scala Santa is just one of the many themes related to the Rampigada Santa" emphasizes Mauro Vascotto, president of the SPIZ association. "Revitalizing the Obelisk square, which is normally just a car park, renewing the affection for the Tram de Opcina, which has been stuck in storage for too long, raising awareness of the cultural value of the Park Hotel Obelisco, where "The Thousand and One Nights" were translated from Arabic, are just some of the many other points of interest linked to this event, that has now entered in the heart of the people of Trieste. Both of those who enjoy competing against the clock and of those who simply love Trieste”.
The categories are almost the same as in the Clanfe Olympics, the other great "crazy" event conceived by the organizers of the Spiz social promotion association: pici and pice, muletes and mulete, mules and mules, muloni and mulone, mati and babe, instead bobe and instead marantighe, to which the category of eterni and eterne is added.
Upon arrival at the Obelisk the big party for participants and not will start, with the stands opening, the award ceremony and the final lottery with lots of prizes.
The record? It is still the amazing one established by Stefano Fatone in the 2016 edition. From Roiano to Opicina in just ten minutes and 3 seconds. On the edge of the impossible.

Contatti - Contacts

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SPIZ Associazione di Promozione Sociale

via Giacomo Matteotti 20/a

34138 – Trieste (Italia)

Codice Fiscale 90123670326

Iscrizione al Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore (RUNTS) con Decreto n°2691/GRFVG del 20 maggio 2022



 PEC spiz@pec.spiz.it

 +39 339 378 17 03


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SPIZ è una Associazione di Promozione Sociale (A.P.S.) riconosciuta a livello istituzionale (Iscrizione al Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore (RUNTS) con Decreto n°2691/GRFVG del 20 maggio 2022 - ex iscrizione n.572 al Registro Regionale del Friuli Venezia Giulia delle Associazioni di Promozione Sociale con Decreto n.8/CULT dell'8 gennaio 2016).

SPIZ A.P.S. è costituita al fine di svolgere attività di utilità sociale a favore di associati o terzi, promuovendo e/o sostenendo progetti e attività qualificate, con finalità formative, educative, culturali e di ricerca.

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