16ª Olimpiade dele Clanfe 2023
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Registration Opening for the Clanfe Olympics 2023

Registration is now officially open for the 16th Clanfe Olympics, the eagerly awaited annual event of the Trieste summer.
The event will take place on Saturday, July 29th, starting at 2 PM at Ausonia Beach Club.
This year, once again, the Jury will be composed exclusively of women.
The jurors will be social media strategist Tania Andreutti, journalist Micol Brusaferro, maker and science communicator Gaya Fior, actress-author Sabrina Gregori, creator of the English magazine InTrieste Maria Kochetkova, and singer Dorina, who will act as Artistic Judge.
As is customary, the voting of the Clanfe Olympics Jury can be influenced by corruption, but only through food and beverages.
This choice has accompanied the event since its first edition and is justified by the organizers' desire to use irony to raise awareness among the public about this disreputable practice.
The corruptors of the Clanfe Olympics must have the courage to admit their wrongdoing and publicly denounce themselves.
When the extent of corruption becomes excessive, the audience is invited to rebel by going to the table of the corrupt to satisfy their hunger and thirst.
The formula of the event is well established: each participant chooses a dive from those of the Trieste bathing tradition, such as "clanfa", "bomba", or "kamikaze", adding variations in style such as clapping in the air, battle cries, somersaults, twists, capes, disguises and more.
The jury evaluates both the technique and the magnitude of the splash produced, the true objective of every skilled "clanfador".
Additionally, a score is also given to "morbin," or the ability to entertain the audience with gags and choreographies worthy of a real summer carnival.
Over the years, divers have appeared on the platform riding tricycles, dressed as skiers, trying to fly with helium balloons, or even covered in eggs and flour ready to be breaded.
The coveted 5 points awarded for "morbin" have often made the difference.
The Clanfe Olympics were born as a joke in 2008 but immediately achieved remarkable success, growing exponentially in terms of popularity and participation. In its inaugural edition, it had only about sixty divers, but today the number of participants is approaching 200.
As a result, the event offers an entertainment experience of approximately four hours.
The Clanfe Olympics welcomes participants from different generations, with a wide age range from 4 to 82.
"If you like, this is precisely the real value of the event", explains Mauro Vascotto, patron of the event. "It's about bringing together different generations, often whole families, fathers and sons, but also grandparents and grandchildren diving side by side. The philosophy of the event aims to strengthen family and friendship ties within the context of competition, but above all in the typical spirit of the Triestine morbin. Organizing all this requires great commitment and considerable effort from all members and volunteers of the SPIZ Social Promotion Association".
Participants are divided into categories based on age: Pice and Pici up to 11 years old, Mulete and Muleti from 12 to 15, Mule and Muli from 16 to 25, Mulone and Muloni from 26 to 40, Babe and Mati from 41 to 50, and finally Vece Marantighe and Vece Bobe for those over 50.
Athletes who perform more elaborate and high-performance dives end up in the UFO category.
The event is scheduled for Saturday, July 29th at 2 p.m., with the traditional opening ceremony during which the Clanfe flag will be raised (with clangs instead of the classic rings of the Olympic flag).
Following the opening ceremony, the actual dives will take place. Due to the ongoing inaccessibility of the Ausonia pool, once again this year the dives will be performed from the fixed platform, a detail that is, however, appreciated by true Clanfe purists, who have always performed them from rocks, piers, or the terraces of the Barcola Topolini.
INFO: www.spiz.it - clanfe@spiz.it - +39 339 378 17 03

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 PEC spiz@pec.spiz.it

 +39 339 378 17 03


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SPIZ è una Associazione di Promozione Sociale (A.P.S.) riconosciuta a livello istituzionale (Iscrizione al Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore (RUNTS) con Decreto n°2691/GRFVG del 20 maggio 2022 - ex iscrizione n.572 al Registro Regionale del Friuli Venezia Giulia delle Associazioni di Promozione Sociale con Decreto n.8/CULT dell'8 gennaio 2016).

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